Luxury Home Disputes
In the special arena of luxury homes (multi-million dollar) new and renovation construction, a special dynamic exists. Often builder acquire a marquee status of a “must have” for the homeowner. That coupled with the reluctance of homeowners to have financial barriers to their hard-earned residential dreams and professional obligations that don’t lend themselves to the time-consuming tasks of overseeing a vast construction project result in a situation of significant lack or abuse of financial management on the part of the builder.
In this attorney’s first such case, a homeowner with a household name was approached by a builder at “substantial completion,” when keys were ready to be turned over and the house occupied. Unbelievable, the builder stated that it had run the numbers on this $4,000,000 project and “discovered” that there was a $2,000,000 shortfall. The homeowners were understandably shocked and fortunately call The Solis Law Firm, PC to resolve this very expensive and abusive situation.
As a first step in this and all practice areas is to enjoy our fixed price contract review. This will be the wisest money you ever spend.